Saturday, November 11, 2006

Take a moment to reflect on and honor our troops

Today is Veterans' Day. As the only son of one of a Real Band of Brothers, one who suffers to this day from the after-effects of his war injuries, I think about these cats all the time.

My Pop (above, at his wedding in 1945 after spending a year in hospitals) is now 90 and caught up in the throes of dementia, last surviving brother of five who served and fought. He left a leg behind in Europe during WWII (nighttime glider crash on Sicily). Also, recall the opening invasion scene in "Saving Private Ryan," the scared-shitless, puking, praying soldiers in those landing craft, waiting to get slaughtered? One of my Mom's brothers was on one of those during D-Day (he survived, and told me of the terror of it; Spielberg really nailed it).

Young men and women (and, increasingly, the not-so-young) continue to give their all so that we might continue to live comfortably in peace and safety and enjoy our musical "healing." They need and deserve far more than plastic magnetic yellow ribbon bumper decals and other episodic platitudes. Here are a couple of sites to visit and ponder. Consider donating to these causes. I know Cheryl and I will be contributing.


We went to hang with Ronnie Foster for a bit last night. Subbing on the kit was Brooklyn homie Jess Gopen. Below, I found this article about him and his work (click to enlarge). Notable in the quartet are Chris Gordon on bass, and Bill Zappia on keys, both of whom are now appearing with Jerry, Joel Richman, and Tommy Alvarado on Tuesday nights at the E-String in Henderson (posted about this gig earlier).

OK, I'm off to see Mundo at ReJAVAnate...


Gotta say, this was a really, really nice performance. Good, appreciative turnout, too. Carol sang wonderfully, and the guys played it to the firewall. Kasey Carmody did a solo classical piece that was breathtaking in its complexity (I'd like to see him sit in and do it at the Santa Fe gig; it'd bring the house down), and Mundo showed off some blazing, aggressive gypsy jazz chops. Serious players here, doing some way against-the-grain stuff that is worth your time.

PS- Here's an mp3 clip I found of Kasey doing a tune entitled "Tango en Skai." It is excellent. Man!

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