Sunday, October 05, 2008

Welcome Joey Heredia

Monday night Oct 6th at The Palms will be special. We welcome our L.A. bro' the esteemed Joey Heredia to the stage. He's gonna be with the band for the rest of the year every Monday now that Pepe is tied up with the Criss Angel show.

If you'd like a little foretaste of the slammin' to shortly ensue, listen to my Santa Fe podcast number six, "Friends of Santa Fe, Volume Two" (embedded below). The first featured cut is Joey with Michael Ruff, and then Joey with our equally incredible friend Marco Mendoza (both live cuts).

Oh, yeah!


8 pm., with another Vegas veteran, Joe Darro. Franklin's Tavern in the Target shopping center, just south of Silverado Ranch Road: 9821 S. Eastern Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89183 (702) 407-5090. I'm fixin' to go cover it.


New Sistah in town. Jessica introduced me to her at the gig a few weeks ago. Master's in Theatre from Columbia.

From an email she sent me:
I've been focusing on theatre for the better part of the last decade, with a little singing here and there. I've got a demo that's a few years old, just me and a pianist doing some standards. Now that I'm in Vegas, I'm hoping to do some more singing while writing a one-woman show. I don't know many people here, I know nothing about the industry here, so it's been slow-going. But the few people I have met have been pretty great, very down-to-earth and friendly. I think I'm gonna like this town! I plan on being a common fixture at the Sante Fe shows, so I look forward to seeing some more of the Vegas talent pool to be inspired by.
Ahhhh...Anyone who writes "theatre" rather than "theater" just simply appeals to the lexical "snob" in me, LOL. Yes! (I reflexively also write "glamour" rather than "glamor." Hoity-Toity MoFo.)

You have wandered in on the right tribe, Meg. We welcome you. Bring your bidness cards to the gig. Get your website and MySpace pages happenin' ASAP.


So, I been without my Squeeze for three weeks now, and she's not comin' home 'til October 17th, and then only to take an ASQ Quality Management certification exam on the 18th, and subsequently blow right back outa here. I know ya gotta be all Zen about this, but, damn, I got a bad case of the intractably morose.

Oh, btw, Cheryl has a blog too. I posted some stuff on it yesterday (that's Cheryl sister Michelle and her kids Shelby and Austin among the shots). The Prince tribe is from northern rural Alabama.


Diane is one fine singer, a real pro, smooth as silk, very polished. They pretty much packed the house. Nice to see (to the extent you could see. No stage lights, hence the cheesy flash shots).

She had the cats from her old vocal group "Chazz" there tonight, and they all sang together.

The venerable Joe Darro on keys, Clyde Duell on tubs (I did not get to meet the sax cat; he was very good as well). These cats all go way back to the 1960's old school Vegas casino lounge and showroom days.

Above, Diane and her squeeze, Alex. Fine lookin' couple.


LOL! You now get to pay to house and feed this MoFo. Sweet.

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