3 a.m., well, we've now met the Petersons. Lucky us!
As advertised. Wow, Close Encounters of the Nast' Kind as Santa Fe and the Fat City Mothership lifts off again at the Railhead Saloon. And, what a great crowd tonight! Our incredible guests Paul Peterson and nephew Jason tore it UP!

More later. I gotta go crash.
OK, I'm back up. CoffeeCoffeeCoffeeCoffeeCoffeeCoffeeeeee...Mr. Lopez, you certainly hit THIS one outa the park with this guest lineup, bro'. I know the roaring crowd emphatically agreed. We are so blessed.
The problem I'm gonna have here is picking shots outa the 103 I snapped (and the blog editor will choke if I upload too many in one post). Below: I went a little tilt-crazy on Dave and Jamie. No, I was not blitzed. Dave is difficult to shoot because they never throw enough light on him.
Below: the brass half of the Fat City Horns. In the middle is renowned veteran Tom Delibero (e.g., Doc Severinson and many others) subbing for Gil Kaupp.
Below: St Paul Peterson and Jason Peterson Delaire throwin' down.

Gentlemen, we who are about to crawl off sleep-deprived to the day gig salute you! Folks, check out their respective websites (I put 'em in the links column, and they are also in the prior post), and buy their music. I bought a couple of CDs last night.
PS- Jerry introduced me to yet another cool dude last night, performer and photographer Bobby Black. (I wuz havin' a bad case of telephoto lens envy. LOL! Size does indeed matter.)
2-disk live CD set, 20 tunes. Board-Certified clinicians in Funkiatrics and Nastiology. Not covered by insurance. But, hey, no cover, no minimum.
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