OK, he blows the alto sax, flute, clarinet, and even plays some keys. Phil attended UNLV and Berklee School of Music in Boston. Since he was 9 years old, he’s had the desire to play. At 18, he had his first professional gig with a local drummer. He's since played with Sheena Easton from 1991-1999, and Clint Holmes and Santa Fe and The Fat City Horns more recently. He tells of being influenced by Charlie Parker and Paul Desmond, and if you listen carefully, you can hear their sounds embedded in his own. Phil lives in Henderson with his wife and two young daughters, ages 4 and 6.

- Mickijay
"I was a bit of a jazz snob before I got to Berklee. That soon changed when I had the chance to see Miles Davis live. In spite of my jazz conceit, I still wanted to see Miles play. At that time, Miles was playing electric jazz funk. Not exactly bebop! I especially wanted to hear his new alto saxophonist, Kenny Garrett. I had met Kenny in New York in 1985 at the Village Vanguard jazz club. I was so impressed with his playing, I became more serious about jazz music. That's when I became a jazz snob! But when I heard Kenny Garrett playing funk and playing the HELL out of it, I realized I had been wrong! I needed to be as flexible and open-minded a musician as he was! And when I returned to Vegas, I returned with a more positive attitude toward all music."
this article is so good...just one eensy teensy change...Phil wants to support his family with his sax not his ax. mj
Hey, Mickijay, hi!
"Axe" means "instrument" to musicians. That which we use when we go to the "woodshed" and work on our "chops" (or otherwise do our work).
Editorial discretion, in the interest of your reportorial "hipness."
I stand corrected and now know what it means to go to the woodshed. I certainly want to be "hip". See ya Monday night. Got any xtra beads? mj
I think Cheryl is havin' some shipped back from Louisiana. I gave all mine away, except for just 6 or so that I'm keepin' at home. I'll get some for ya from her stash when it gets here. You might ask Jerry also, 'cause I left a big extra set with him at the gig.
See ya tomorrow.
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