TONIGHT, The Palms, 10 pm, the Healing resumes
You know the drill. Be there. Simply the best musical entertainment value in Vegas.
Oh, yeah! At first, we thought the crowd might be light, but the room filled up again to SRO, and they got what they came for -- and MORE! We were treated to the hot performance of former "Storm" cast member Christine LaFond of the band "Replay," who sat in to sing "Use Me."
Wish I had that performance on video. Yikes! Be sure to check out the Replay website for their schedule (and all the other cool stuff on their site) and go check 'em out. We wish them tons of success.
Below: our fearless leader belts out "Take My Heart Away." Jamie fried the synth solo on this tune (what's new, 'eh?). Great crowd tonight, roaring their amazement and gratitude. Ya just gotta love it. And, thanks to all of you who came up to me with your kind words about this blog. A labor of love, y'know. This great band just kicks my ex- road rat ass every time I hear 'em. I had to leave during the 2nd set (the day gig thang), to the shock & awe arrangement of "Living for the City." Makes it hard to go to sleep.
MONDAY MORNING UPDATES: Last night Jerry gave me a copy of the current issue of the New Mexico quarterly periodical "La Herencia," which features an incredible 4 page biographical spread of the Lopez family "Jerry Lopez: Doing Santa Fe Proud" (that's Jerry's Grandfather Nicolas Escajeda on the cover pic below, circa 1932). Really awesome, what a venerable family history. The photos of the very young performing Lopez brothers are priceless.

BELOW: Last night I promised Tommy Alvarado I'd be out this Sunday night to cover the jazz jam at the Hurricane for the blog. I am remiss in not having done so before now. Time to get off my lazy Sunday night butt and get out there.
Tommy (who is a monster veteran player and vocalist) and ace drummer Joel Richman host the jam every Sunday starting at 9:30 pm. Anyone can sign up to sit in, but you better bring your A Game. This is the Real Deal.
UPDATE: Among our Monday night guests, hearing the band for the first time, British filmmaker and digital animation artist Christopher Tolbert, owner of Lucid Frame, located in London, UK. We welcome you sir.

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