December 1st: When the Curtain Goes Up...
LOL! That tune had to be the slammin' highlight of the evening.
Fred Schreuders (Hiroshima, Jeffrey Osbourne) again opened the show for Jerry. Following a unique and totally ass-kicking Fat City Horns ensemble arrangement of "Oh Come, All Ye Faithful," they opened with "Just Kidding," followed by "Rosanna," then "I Feel Good," after which Jerry showed. Great start.

Jerry did "Use Me," (mp3 link) and it slammed oh-so nicely.

OK, let's load up some shots...

Above, Phil throwin' down. No horns soloing out front tonight. Too bad, always makes for great shooting when they come out for rides. Below, Joey is all concentration.

Below, Jane Kinsey of "Hats" came to hang. She sat with me and helped me do the CD sales, as Lorraine got hung up in a schedule conflict at work and couldn't make it. Lorraine, I really want you to know how much we appreciate your stepping in to help in the wake of Cheryl having to leave for Walnut Creek. And, Jane, thank you so much for helping me tonight.
Below, about 6 pm. I'm home microwaving some leftover chili, and Danielle calls. "What're you doin'?" "Uh, nuthin', fixin' to mow some chili, why?" "Go outside, look at the moon. It's right next to Venus and Jupiter. Get that good camera of yours, I took some shots, but you've got that camera."
Difficult to capture how cool that looked to the naked eye. I did that hand-held, but really needed to bail to a tripod and a long shutter exposure.
Below, O/T, proud Gwandaddy update. Keenan started at varsity guard Saturday night for Henderson International (he's 14 and a freshman). They got whupped by Agassi Academy. Keenan ain't used to being the little guy, LOL (he's now my height, but the other kids were almost all a lot taller). He's coming off an amazing first football season. Go, Keebo! Step it up to yet another level.
Below, current blog stats. First, the November traffic. Note what I call "Mount Loggins" in the graph, the spike on the 17th, LOL!
Our traffic continues to build. Thanks to all of you who come and check out the blog. Pass it on to your friends, and ask them to do likewise.
Our bro' The CEO of Soul Andy Ebon just underwent some elective shoulder surgery and could not make the gig. Heal up fast and completely, my friend.
Lorraine left me a phone message late today to say that Dr. Lenny the Lopez would be appearing with David Van Such and Enrique Corro tonight at Panavino, Sunset and Gillespie (overlooking the McCarran runway). So, after hanging with my Ma at the nursing home, I went home, grabbed my camera, and cruised over. Cool place, very stylish. Cheryl and I have eaten there before. Excellent.
David will be at Brendan's Pub in The Orleans this weekend, 9 pm - 1 am. No cover, no minimum. They sounded great tonight. Lenny is off-the-hook fine. And, Enrique, man, one tasty guitarist. Tired though I was, I had a very pleasant time.

Hard to believe my Ma has been in the nursing home in Henderson now for more than a year! Most days any more I have to help feed her. She's said repeatedly she just wanted to die, but she just keeps hangin' on. Dunno, man...
Our cat Max is now 15 yrs old, and has serious diabetes.
Above, a shot before we got a handle on stabilizing him, below afterward.
We now spend about 2 bucks a day keepin' his feline geriatric ass alive. Rx wet and dry chow and 6 cc of insulin injections twice a day. The little insulin vial is about $170 alone. Syringes are single-use disposables. Critter has a better Health Plan than Cheryl and I do.
Putting him down crossed my mind when he was seriously off the rails (it cost us about 2 grand to get him stable), given our unemployment sitch of late, but, I just cannot. He's part of the family.
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