Santa Fe and The Fat City Horns are about to throw down for the Las Vegas Academy for the Performing Arts
Lots more to come. Just getting starting. Patience, please. I'm not getting paid for this anymo....
Oh, huhhh... wait, uh...
If some of the players look incredibly young it's because they are in fact LVA high school students, getting to throw down with some of the finest musicians in the world.
BTW, Mom and Dad, I don't deface my shots with watermarks or otherwise post any arrogant prohibitory copyright language on or around them. This has been my M.O. since I started this blog.
These photos are free for the taking for personal or promotional use. Click on any shot for the full size original (warning: they are rather large) and save it. Think of these blog shots as large thumbnails. The big pics ar "under the hood."
Numbah Two Son (LVA graduate), whaddayah think? Pretty cool night.
Sunday update. This all I got time for right now. Got other blogging to stay on top of.
More as I have time.