Lenny called me Friday and asked me to drop by the Dance Fusion studio, which is right down Maryland close to my house, just north of Pebble (get off 215 at Windmill, then south on Maryland past the Chevron station. It's about a half mile down Maryland, on the left).
They are expanding their services. Lenny will be doing voice lessons, and Gabe will be doing drums and percussion instruction. They're also bringing in a cat to do guitar instruction. Lenny asked me if I wanted to do that. I don't have time. Maybe songwriting workshops episodically. Dunno. We shall see.
Huge facility. Four large dance studio rooms and a vocal studio.

So, I'm seriously gonna start doing street music, for mental health ("BuskerG"). I been shedding' my solo acoustic book assiduously of late. Helps burn off the DayGig-istan stress. Got about 60 tunes or so, perhaps 50 of which are rock-solid at this point. The others need a bit more work to be ready for prime time.
Bought a Roland "Cube Street" amp. Small unit that runs AC or battery power. Sucker rocks!

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