After nearly 5 years, 743 posts to date (exclusive of this one), and probably 13-15,000 photos uploaded (I've lost track), a sad email I had to send to the guys this week:
My friends,
I have had to come to a very difficult decision, given my love for y'all, utter respect for what you do, and ongoing acute desire to help advance your cause however possible. My blog is going into hiatus for the indeterminate future. I hope it's not the end of it, because it has been a total labor of love, and I like to think I've added a little value in this town (and beyond), both for the band, and for your (our) many compadres. But, the simple truth is that I have to get a grip on my deteriorating health, and that precludes -- on the emphatic advice of my physician -- being out late on Monday nights any more, at least for now. So, I will not be coming to the Palms gigs for a while. And, when I can, it'll likely be back where I started, as one of the ever-thunderstruck fans. Sit in the back, catch an hour, and then go home.
As a practical matter, my day job is moving more and more into the outright in-the-trenches operational phase, which is going to require that I be both in northern Nevada and southern Utah a lot dealing with our client medical clinics. This will also make blogging the gigs problematic. Wish none of this were so. But it is.
Carry on, bros', keep slammin' 'em.
Been a crazy, up & down blogging year (below, QTRs 1-3, 2010, click the image to enlarge).
Back after two weeks away. Full report after work. Gotta be at a state medical conference at 8 a.m. over on the NW side of town. Christian Brady sitting in on guitar tonight. The whole thing was thumpin' big-time. Gotta love them throwing down "Soul Trilogy" right at the outset.
New lens. Whaddaya think? ___
Random scenes from the hang... Yeah, man...slammin' yet again. ___
Unfortunately (for me), I have to be in Salt Lake City most of the week for DayGigIstan, so, again, I have no post-show report, sorry (I was in the hospital last Monday night). What we were doin' a year ago? Click the pic below.
I'll be back next week, I promise. Bought a new lens I'm just itchin' to try out, a Sony SAL 18-250.