Saturday, Sept 25th, Brad Cordle's final gig in Vegas (for now)
I forget where I shot that pic. Mighta been at The Orleans in Brendan's Pub. I forget.
Sept 25th, 10 p.m. at King Tut's, Charleston and Jones. I will be there to bid farewell to my dear friend Brad Cordle, our "Pavarotti of Blues." Please join me/us. And, Michael Grimm, l'il bro', you may already be gone back to start your AGT tour rehearsals, but if you're still in town, you and Lucie come hang if y'all can -- and maybe sit in -- so we can do this properly.
A great lineup of A-List players will be on hand. I hear John Wedemeyer is comin', too. Majorly scary guitarist. He and the equally frightening Dean Reichert will constitute Critical Mass on guitar. Those two! Make me wanna burn my axe.
Yeah, I shot both of those photos too, LOL.
Below, the first pic I ever shot of Brad. We were at The Sand Dollar one night for his gig. Place was a blues dive just off Spring Mountain Rd and I-15, joint with shitty backwoods roadhouse lighting (how many of us been there, LOL?)-- low ceiling, walls and ceiling all painted black (and enough P.A. to do Sam Boyd Stadium). I jerked him up -- "yo, Brad, bro', come stand over here by the cigarette machine..."
Cha-ching! Done.
See y'all tomorrow night. Let's party. ___
Amazing turnout. Wow. Both in the audience and on stage. More after some Zzzz's. They played 'til 3 a.m. My eyes are burnin'. I feel like I inhaled enough cigarette smoke to cough up a lesion. It was a true blues gig and jam.
Sunday, mo' pics...
Cris Claremont was among the critical mass of A-List guitar cats, which included -- in addition to the searingly fine Dean Reichert -- Drew Zingg, Jeff Ray, John Wedemeyer, and a couple other cats whose names I didn't get.
Above, Screamin' Joe Escriba was all over it, as was Serena Henry (below).
While the house gets an "E" for effort for at least putting up a rack of 8 small par-cans, there were no white spots, and the lights were all aimed at the front bottom of the stage and the dance floor. Consequently, I couldn't get viable shots of a lot of peeps, including Ric Ulsky, Ronnie Foster, Ronnie Rose, and a number of other players.
1 comment:
How was the gig? How was Wedemeyer? Videos? Soundtrack?
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