September 11th, 2006 at The Palms
Well, the politicians are predictably trippin' all over each other and feverishly throwin' elbows trying to use the tragedy of September 11th, 2001 for their own partisan purposes. Inevitable, I suppose. But, let us simply come together this Monday night at The Palms in a spirit of healing and remembrance of those who suffered so horribly five years ago.
Nice night tonight. I know I was kinda down from all the 9/11 replay news the past few days (and way tired from having to get up at 2 in the morning to deal with a blown water heater that spewed all over the garage), but the band lifted everyone up pronto. The Fat City Horns had to suck it up and throw down in front the venerable Bobby Shew, one of the world's premier trumpet cats.
Below, the eminent Pappa Lopez (right) and cousin Kelly Lopez (left, the original Santa Fe horn section and bodyguard, as Lenny describes him).
Michito Sanchez sat in and tore up (crappy pic, my Bad; Michito moves too fast).
Below, Gabriel also moves fast!
Our fearless leader, Jerry Lopez, below, followed by a pretty cool closeup of Gil Kaupp.

One last shot posted for now before I crash (I've got more good ones), the front line, below:
More later. Thanks to everyone who came out tonight. We love ya!
No hot water (plumber will be here at 9). But, nuthin' like a cold shower to wake your nightcrawlin' butt straight up outa 5 hours' sleep. Below, there's a beautiful place in the Geist/Phenomenology of Spirit, a place we now call "LennyWorld!"
The rainbow trout, however, have decidely mixed feelings regarding the putative rhapsodic nature of this ethereal milieu. Below, it bears repeating; without you, we are nothing.
1 comment:
Great band – I was in Las Vegas on business last week and I received a great tip from a musician friend to make sure I made my way over to the Palms (9/11) to see Santa Fe and the Fat City Horns. Best advice I received in a long time because they were absolutely a killer band! I am a longtime musician who played Vegas and AC many years ago and I now run my own business. When I am in town I try to search out good music, but this is not always easy considering a lot of Vegas lounge acts are limited talent wise and I refuse to pay big bucks ($) to see someone like Elton John. I do not know how I missed these guys previously (actually I did see them last year with Clint Holmes, but did not know they also played out), but I cannot wait until I am back in Vegas to see them again. I was knocked out by the talent on stage and the horn section is tighter than anything out there today. Considering there is no cover charge to see this band, you can’t help but feel this may be the only thing in Vegas that is still a bargain!
PS. The sound was great considering the size of the band and I know how incredibly hard it is to mike a band this size – I could hear every instrument on stage clearly. Congratulations to the sound engineer!
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