And, to close out the show, a bonus cut recorded by our bro' St. Paul Peterson. A CD cut of one of the tunes he performed the night of the off-the-scale Paul Peterson - Kenny Loggins hang at The Palms.
Mundo's Hot Club of Las Vegas are our resident Gypsy Djazz aces (and now, you will note, feature Santa Fe's Gabriel Santana Falcon on percussion). Dawayne is a great musician who spent nearly a decade as lead guitarist for Chicago. Wayne Naus is on the Berklee School of Music faculty, where he serves as the Director of their butt-kicking Tower of Power Ensemble. Melle Vasquez is with Cirque's Zumanity show (and has opened the Santa Fe Pams gig for Jerry as one of our many fine guest guitarists). Dean Reichert, new in town from the Pac NW, is quickly gaining a well-deserved rep here as yet another Bad Boy performer. Elisa Furr is a Vegas veteran with serious Diva vocal chops. And, Prince alum and Loggins tour compadre Paul Peterson, what can you say? Jerry calls him "the Surgeon."
This podcast runs 62 minutes. Here's the link to the main podcast page, btw. I have now featured 36 of our "Friends of Santa Fe," and there will be more to come. Hope you enjoy them. We are blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful talent. I'm glad to finally be gettin' some of the women involved, too.
Hot Club of Las Vegas appears tomorrow evening, 10 pm, at VOX Lounge in Henderson, for their CD release party (click the image below to enlarge). Please come out. I will be there. It'll be a great hang.

Pepe will be doing a late night gig with Fred Schreuders, David Inamine, and Michito Sanchez next Monday night at "Boomers After Hours." 3200 Sirius, it's maybe 5 minutes from The Palms.

Just like Jerry routinely needs subs for the band, this Monday night, I'm gonna need to sub out. Last night before I went to bed, I went and checked my cox.net spam folder. Therein, dammit, I found this from Metro:
From: "noreply@lvmpd.com"A 49 page PDF file study guide. I will have memorized it by then, LOL. I am gonna crush that test. But, there is just no way I can hang Monday night. This is too important. I lost my last day gig to a 10% staff reduction layoff on March 1st, 2007 (they gave me one day's notice), and since then I have filled out literally hundreds of job apps, to no avail, suitable white collar chops notwithstanding. Startin' to wonder whether I'd simply been put out to pasture permanently (the "older worker" problem; I'm fixin' to turn 63 in February).
Date: December 10, 2008 10:40:09 AM PST
Subject: Crime Analyst I - Eligible To Test Notice (08-321)
Dear Applicant,
Congratulations Your application for Crime Analyst I has been screened and it has been determined you meet the minimum qualifications. You are scheduled to take the written exam on Tuesday, December 16, 2008 at 8:30 a.m. The written exam will be administered in the LVMPD Personnel Bureau Testing Room located at 101 Convention Center Drive, 2nd Floor. (Please refer to the job announcement for parking information.)
1. Your identification number for the written examination is <deleted>. You must have this ID# for check in. Again, please print & bring this notification.
2. Candidate check-in will occur between 7:45 and 8:30 a.m. No candidate will be admitted to the exam after 8:30 a.m.
3. Photo ID is required.
4. Also, you may bring a basic, non-scientific calculator.
5. As a reminder, a study guide was provided to help you prepare.
Individuals who earn the top scores from the written exam will be invited to participate in the oral board exams beginning Monday, January 5, 2009. Appointments will be sent via e-mail.
Please review the job announcement for testing details so you can plan your schedule accordingly. If you are unable to attend any portion of the testing process, we ask that you call to “voluntarily withdraw.”
LVMPD Personnel Bureau
Selection & Classification Section
So, I need peeps to take shots and write up their views on the gig on the 15th, so we can continue to serve our many loyal readers with timely dispatch. You'll get bylines. Lemme know. 283-1355, cell, email bobbyg "at" bgladd.com.
BTW, the new dupes of the 2007 live CD are done, I'm gonna go pick 'em up this morning, so we'll have a fresh stash at the gig, and on CD Baby and Strokeland.
- BobbyG
North side of Tropicana, just West of The Strip, 9PM - 1AM
Friday & Saturday, December 12th & 13th, 2008
Brad Cordle - vocals
Tim Scott - vocals, bass
Dean Reichert - vocals, guitar
Ric Ulsky - keyboards
Robert Shipley - drums
Blues, R&B, Soul & Funk for your listening and dancing pleasure!
No cover - come on down!!!
Visit our MySpace pages:
Friday & Saturday, December 12th & 13th, 2008
Brad Cordle - vocals
Tim Scott - vocals, bass
Dean Reichert - vocals, guitar
Ric Ulsky - keyboards
Robert Shipley - drums
Blues, R&B, Soul & Funk for your listening and dancing pleasure!
No cover - come on down!!!
Visit our MySpace pages:
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