I logged into it, and turned on my Audio Hijack utility to catch some mp3. Here's an hour's worth (session ran a couple of hours).
A little of the live chat transcript window on the site during the session, LOL!
09:49 RossInPhilly : Who the heck is this 72477 guy? That must be Prince! 09:49 Quentin_Belgium : I love that Doc Kupka sound! 09:49 ustreamer-48075 : what makes you think so? 09:49 RossInPhilly : Because he's being jerk! Funny... but a jerk! lol 09:49 ustreamer-99252 : where's Susannah??? 09:50 ustreamer-48075 : lots of people are funny jerks, LOL 09:50 ustreamer-72477 : Susannah is in the other studio.. the work out studio. 09:50 ustreamer-46224 : let Paul be 09:50 ustreamer-76018 : Low end growl is hot! 09:50 ustreamer-99252 : where can I switch cams then ? ;-) 09:50 ustreamer-96405 : Sounding great! You need to get up earlier though - its home time here.. 09:50 RossInPhilly : Very hot! :) 09:50 ustreamer-46224 : sexy st!!!! 09:50 ustreamer-80597 : sounds good paul! -dan b 09:51 RossInPhilly : It's lunch time in Philly! :) 09:51 ustreamer-46224 : bye ross 09:51 ustreamer-99252 : dinner time in brussels 09:51 ustreamer-48075 : and early evening in Germany :-) 09:51 RossInPhilly : By 46224 :) 09:51 ustreamer-48075 : exactly, dinner time 09:51 BobbyGvegas : What's the video source here? A laptop cam? Just curious. 09:51 ustreamer-96405 : Come 2 the UK! C U Adrian 09:51 ustreamer-46224 : sup adrian, JPD 09:51 ustreamer-76018 : One more note on the low end 09:52 ustreamer-48075 : Come to Germany! PLEASE! 09:52 RossInPhilly : Germany has terrible food! 09:52 ustreamer-48075 : not true! 09:52 ustreamer-96405 : Hi JPD I'm literally out the door- sounds great !!!! 09:52 RossInPhilly : Trust me... I've been to Waldorf and Heidelberg! 09:52 ustreamer-72477 : Paul, quick. Straighten up.. change clothes.. and act mysterious.. Prince is on his way to your studio to check out what's up! And exchange those reading glasses for cool shades! YOu know the rulez! 09:52 ustreamer-48075 : Trust me, I live in Germany, LOL 09:53 ustreamer-99252 : but belgium rules the foodscene 09:53 ustreamer-48075 : lots of international food to be had here, too 09:53 ustreamer-38452 : its me susannah im back.. 09:53 RossInPhilly : I got a ticket on the Autobahn!!! 09:53 RossInPhilly : What's up with that???? 09:53 ustreamer-72477 : Hey Ricky! 09:53 ustreamer-48075 : Hi, Susannah 09:53 ustreamer-99252 : HI Susannah !!!! 09:53 ustreamer-9553 : Well, then - hi Ricky. 09:53 RossInPhilly : Hey Susannah... lovin' the lyrics! ;) 09:53 ustreamer-38452 : hi 09:53 ustreamer-48075 : you've missed a great funny chat 09:53 ustreamer-72477 : Blow that thang! 09:53 ustreamer-74847 : i bet all the prince jokes/ references get old huh? 09:53 ustreamer-38452 : im sure ill hear about it 09:53 RossInPhilly : I'm sure they do!!! 09:53 ustreamer-48075 : what did you do, RossInPhilly? 09:54 RossInPhilly : I work for SAP. 09:54 ustreamer-29438 : Is this gonn be released under the name "The Family"? 09:54 stpaulinc-1 : yeah 09:54 RossInPhilly : We're headquartered in Waldorf. 09:54 stpaulinc-1 : and th bari line can be doubled wigth slide 09:54 ustreamer-48075 : no, I mean, on the Autobahn 09:54 ustreamer-99252 : how many songs in the works ? 09:54 ustreamer-74989 : me too!! 09:54 RossInPhilly : Oh... lol... I was going too fast when taking an exit ramp... and 1 month later, I got a ticket in the mail in Philadelphia!!! LOL 09:54 ustreamer-38452 : 10 09:54 RossInPhilly : I saw a flash! 09:55 ustreamer-48075 : not surprising then 09:55 Quentin_Belgium : Hello Susannah! Saw you perform and spoke with you at the Family Jamm, 5 years ago in LA! I'm happy to see things finally materialising! 09:55 ustreamer-46224 : is Prince going to write any stuff for this album? 09:55 ustreamer-9553 : That guitar line slays me. 09:55 ustreamer-48075 : serves you right, lol 09:55 ustreamer-38452 : me too!! 09:55 brakke : im lovin the bass 09:55 ustreamer-9553 : Ixnay on the Inc-pray. 09:55 stpaulinc-1 : not sure yet 09:55 ustreamer-38452 : no hes not ivolved..jehova wont let him 09:55 stpaulinc-1 : Ricky P on the ORGAN! 09:55 ustreamer-48075 : a fine on the motorway? 09:55 RossInPhilly : Hey.. Hey!!! I thought I could do 200 on the Autobahn without any issues!!! 09:55 ustreamer-99252 : sounds wicked 09:55 ustreamer-74989 : you ig? 09:55 ustreamer-38452 : ryes ricky!!!! 09:55 ustreamer-74847 : i bet all the prince jokes/ references get old huh? 09:55 ustreamer-38452 : yes they do 09:55 ustreamer-48075 : nothing Prince-related ever gets old 09:55 ustreamer-72477 : Wow Paul.. you type pretty good.. did you serve anytime as a secretary at Pailsey? 09:56 ustreamer-38452 : yep 09:56 RossInPhilly : Paul, you're doing great!!! 09:56 ustreamer-9553 : zactly 09:56 ustreamer-48075 : not to me, at least 09:56 ustreamer-9553 : Besides - ya'll are funkier on your own, by far. 09:56 RossInPhilly : We're all fans! We wouldn't be here if we weren't!!! 09:56 ustreamer-48075 : True 09:56 ustreamer-9553 : Same with W&L - it's nice to hear what you all can REALLY do. 09:56 ustreamer-74989 : organ would dd some greeese! 09:56 stpaulinc-1 : yeah 09:56 ustreamer-38452 : thank you to all of the folks who are hanging in there with us 09:56 ustreamer-46224 : Chilly Sauce 09:56 ustreamer-48075 : I can't wait for the new album in February 09:56 ustreamer-99252 : i'm loving this studio chat, really COOL 09:56 ustreamer-48075 : me too 09:57 ustreamer-9553 : Sus, we've been waiting on this album for about 24 years. No problem hanging now. 09:57 ustreamer-72477 : Hahahhah 09:57 ustreamer-72477 : yeah.. 24 years 09:57 ustreamer-48075 : what a fun time I'm having! :-) 09:57 ustreamer-72477 : and no live performance. 09:57 ustreamer-99252 : :-) 09:57 ustreamer-38452 : thank you!!!!!! really really!!! 09:57 ustreamer-72477 : ONe video.. 09:57 ustreamer-9553 : Jeez, I feel old . . . 09:57 ustreamer-74989 : strings? 09:57 ustreamer-9553 : Really, really for real! 09:57 stpaulinc-1 : oh yeah 09:57 ustreamer-38452 : dont say it..... 09:57 ustreamer-48075 : can we do this again next week on Friday? 09:57 RossInPhilly : We wish you the best! I'm 37, and believe it or not, I listed to the first Album for the first time just a year ago! lol LOVE Desire and High Fashion! :) 09:57 stpaulinc-1 : strings for sho 09:57 ustreamer-38452 : your not old your bad 09:57 ustreamer-74847 : what name are you gonna use? 09:57 RossInPhilly : listened 09:57 ustreamer-9553 : lol 09:57 ustreamer-48075 : it's my birthday then 09:57 ustreamer-72477 : no.. its fine 09:57 ustreamer-74989 : no you dont 09:57 RossInPhilly : Nope... sounds good! 09:58 RossInPhilly : Use "The In-Laws" LOL 09:58 ustreamer-72477 : Get back from that volume button! 09:58 ustreamer-9553 : LOL 09:58 ustreamer-38452 : thats funny!!! 09:58 ustreamer-38452 : lol 09:58 ustreamer-96092 : Family Ties
Looks like the jerky & blurry video source in the control room was simply a laptop cam. Lotta noise in the audio track, too. But, still, very cool to be a virtual fly on the wall witnessing the sausage get made as it's happening.
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