Musical guests tonight: First, Rachel Eckroth on keyboard, whom I was not previously hip to. They brought her up on "Come Together," telling the crowd that she'd written the chart they use on this tune.
Rachel, I'm gonna be calling ya to ask you to be on my next "Friends of Santa Fe" podcast. BTW, click here for Rachel's MySpace page.
Then: Brandon Fields in the House!!!
Brandon and I have already talked. He'll be on the next podcast. The lineup is accruing.
OK, it's a little after 3 a.m., and I am seriously fading. Got woke up today at 6:27 a.m. by my dogs going batshit over a landscaping crew hanging around yacking next door, getting ready to throw down on my neighbor's yard. Sure enough, 7 a.m., here go the weed whackers and and leaf blowers, all morning. I never did catch up on my Zzzzz's today. If you scroll back through the last few blog posts, you'll see that I've had a busy weekend shooting and blogging. I'm just really tired right now.
So, I'm gonna upload a few more shots, and then continue after I get back up. I dumped 135 shots into iPhoto tonight, and have yet a lot to consider.
More in a few hours...
It was nice that Jerry pulled up "Munequita" from the band's first CD. I never get tired of that tune. I particularly dig the little Salsa segue vamp that comes in at 3:00:
Recall Jerry's recent rave about Carlito's? I went there for lunch yesterday. Highly, highly recommended. Great New Mexico cuisine, very low prices. I will be a regular.

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