UPCOMING at The Bootlegger. An email I just got from Mundo:
Next Friday June 5th, we are playing at the Bootlegger Bistro for their Midnight Music Jazz Series. We are sooooooo excited! The gig starts at 11:45 pm and we'd love to see you there! A good turnout will help ensure our return and we'd love to get on their artist roster. If you have not been to the Bootlegger Bistro the place rocks hard with the best Italian food in town! As well as a perfect vibe for our Django-Fied music!
Did I mention the full bar and wine menu!!!
Big thanx to Sylvia K for the poster. She's an artist living in Italy and thru the power of the internet we can all enjoy it. The occasion for the poster is that this gig is a faux going away send off party for Carol. She's going to act in the Utah Shakespeare Festival for a few months. (She's the lead in one of the marquis plays this year!) While she will come back for the occasional gig we are going to miss her!! All the more reason to come out and see the Hot Club of Las Vegas featuring Carol Linnea Johnson at the Bootlegger Bistro next Friday!!!

See everyone at Palace station in the Bonkerz Room tomorrow night, midnight. Another slammin' Santa Fe and The Fat City Horns hang. Be there. No cover, no minimum. Guesting on guitar, Ray Mouton.

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