Got a few pics of them:
The rest of the band lineup is Michael Miller on keys and Robert Shipley on drums (couldn't manage shots of them, they're in the back, and it's not well-lit).
Below: Tony's act is very visual, kinetic, and sensual. The dancing last night was very cool. That's Jenn Vossmer dancing with him. Whew!

So, I'm skulking around MySpace, lookin' for appropriate new friends to add, and, as always, I go to see what's new on brother Bill Champlin's new MySpace page, and look through any new friends his people have added.
I find this. Gotta love it. Wow. "Harley Krishna" LOL!

...The last day of Woodstock, 1969, was the first day of Harley Krishna’s life... He wasn’t due to grace this planet for another week or two, but he recalls the music he heard in the warmth of his mother’s womb. It was so compelling that he had to see who was playing it. His entry into the midst of muddy humanity occurred just as Jimi Hendrix was finishing the “Star Spangled Banner.” And though he wasn’t the only birth at that famous music festival, he was the last; and his life would forever be linked with the ideals of the counter-culture and love for his fellow man.Makes me wanna roll one. Single Zig-Zag, one hand, like I used'ta could. Check out the lineup on his 2001 CD:
His parents were ecstatic - not from psychedelics, but because they got to take more than memories home with them that day. Their bundle of joy symbolized everything they believed in, and they chose to name him after those things they most beloved. His mother, the only female ever allowed to ride with Sonny Barger and the Hell’s Angels, was immortalized in Hunter S. Thompson’s groundbreaking book covering the notorious outlaw bikers. She chose his first name. His father, a kung-fu master as well as master musician, was a devotee of the Maharashi Mahesh Yogi and deeply into Eastern philosophies. He considered the birth a gift from God, and named his son accordingly. From that day on, Harley Krishna had a lot to live up to.
His early years were spent traveling the world with his vagabond parents. As a result, he experienced a variety of cultures and beliefs and all types of music. His family moved from Hawaii to Japan to Taiwan, and then explored the South Pacific. While abroad, Harley kept two things close to him wherever he went – a miniature riding jeep he received on his third birthday, and a guitar he got on his seventh. They were the only American items he would see for his first twelve years, other than his mother’s custom Harley chopper, which she brought everywhere.
Throughout all of these journeys, however, there was one constant that always fascinated little Harley – and that was music. It didn’t matter if it was regional, ethnic, classical, rock or pop – Harley loved it all. And, it soon became obvious that music would be his life...

Harley Krishna - Guitars & Vocals
Lauren Scheff - Bass, B-3 & BVG
Brian Duffield - Drums, Percussion & BVG
Tamara Champlin - BGV
Bill Champlin - BVG & B-3
Jason Scheff - Bass
Darin Scheff - BVG
Ceci Serano - BVG
Gypsy - Percussion
Produced by: Lauren Scheff
Engineered by: Lauren Scheff, Michael E. "Hutch" Hutchinson, Charlie Watts, Chris Roberts
Mixed by: Michael E. "Hutch" Hutchinson, Chad Munsey, Mon Agranat
Recorded and Mixed at: Goldmine, Recordio, Royaltone, Frontpage, & Soundcastle