Regrettably, our bro' Marco Mendoza couldn't make it. But, Michito Sanchez, Chiqui Garcia, and Michael Cavanaugh all sat in, and the band was just nukin' every note in general all night long. Man, the energy level...and, Rochon took one of those bass rides. 'Like, is that even possible?'
Incremental posting in progress, got about 100 shots to review and triage...
I had an OK night behind the lense. Really just wanted to sit and listen, though.
Nice set list, which included some legacy tunes: Munequita, Oh, Nena, Come Back Home -- along with several cuts from the upcoming CD: What'cha Gonna Do With That Greazy Thing, Indian Summer Day, Mind Over Matter. And then there was Nathan's awesome Come With Me from the 2nd CD. Covers included Michael Ruff's Wishing Well, Jamie frying Stevie Wonder's Higher Gound, and Tony and Tyriq throwin' it down on Soul Trilogy.
One thundering show tonight.
Above, on the right, apparently mesmerized by Jerry Lopez, Cyndy Kolstad, loving and courageous wife of my ailing bro' Kurt Kolstad, with her posse. She got treated to some badly need R&R in Vegas this weekend. I only wish Kurt could have been here. Maybe soon. I told him "bro', the doc gives you a green light to travel, I'm buyin' your airplane ticket immediately."
Below, Howard and Veronica. Howard graciously stepped in to fill for Lorraine at the Fat City Superstore. Thanks, Howard.
OK, this was utterly top shelf. I was not hip to Konrad Broock before. Wow. Serious talent. Elisa Furris my friend (and another mind-bending talent). The two of them were as fine as can be. They did Bocelli's "The Prayer" together and knocked it into the next time zone. Not kidding. They copped a well-deserved standing-O.
Nice way to cap off my week. See y'all tomorrow night at The Palms. Solid rumor is that our bro' Marco Mendoza will again be sitting in. ___
Met this cat at The Bootlegger a couple of weeks ago. He covers a lot of local jazz action, and gave us props recently, so I must reciprocate. ___
While the music played you worked by candlelight Those san francisco nights You were the best in town Just by chance you crossed the diamond with the pearl You turned it on the world Thats when you turned the world around Did you feel like jesus Did you realize That you were a champion in their eyes
On the hill the stuff was laced with kerosene But yours was kitchen clean Everyone stopped to stare at your technicolor motor home Every a-frame had your number on the wall You must have had it all Youd go to l.a. on a dare And youd go it alone Could you live forever Could you see the day Could you feel your whole world fall apart and fade away [Chorus] Get along, get along kid charlemagne Get along kid charlemagne
Now your patrons have all left you in the red Your low rent friends are dead This life can be very strange All those dayglow freaks who used to paint the face Theyve joined the human race Some things will never change Son you were mistaken You are obsolete Look at all the white men on the street [Chorus] Clean this mess up else well all end up in jail Those test tubes and the scale Just get them all out of here Is there gas in the car Yes, theres gas in the car I think the people down the hall Know who you are
Careful what you carry cause the man is wise You are still an outlaw in their eyes [Chorus]
Also, hmmm...I notice in the news today that exiled film director Roman Polanksi was just collared in Switzerland on a U.S. warrant for his 70's Hollywood pedo beef. Maybe they can extradite him to the Body English club here -- remand his ass to "Sunday School," where "Ladies dressed in schoolgirl outfits drink complementary champagne."
So, after hangin' with Ma, I ambled over to The Rhythm Kitchen again last night to see my bro's in the Cordle-Scott Band. Well, the lighting is the same as last week, i.e. weak. In fact, the only shots I took were aimed at one of the many widescreen HD TVs adorning the walls -- upon which was a ZZ Top concert in progress. The sound was turned off (obviously), and, episodically the visuals would seem to sync up with what Brad and the cats were playing, LOL.
Of course, I would fully expect the irony to be totally lost on anyone but me. Totally badass blues concert ensuing on the TV, angelically lit up. Totally badass blues band concomitantly in the house, playing pretty much in the dark. ___
First of all, our friend Rachel Eckroth has recently had a website re-design, and it's very hip, You can hear Rachel on my latest "Friends of Santa Fe" podcast (Volume 6). Also, check out the samples from her new CD over at CD Baby, and buy her new work.
Yeah, very cool... ___
Tonight, at Green Valley Ranch, 9 pm, free show, the Lon Bronson All Stars in the Ovation showroom. Tyriq will be performing with them. According to Lon, "Tyriq Johnson is our featured guest Artiste this Thursday, September 24th at GVR from 9pm-11pm. No one does justice to E,W & Firelike this man."
Very cool. The Rhythm Kitchen is located at South Decatur & Sunset, just north off the 215 exit.
Took my Ma out for a ride Sunday in the minivan I bought to ferry her around for episodic respite from the nursing home.
It did not go particularly well. I can get her in and out OK using the portable ramp, but I'm gonna have to install a secure wheelchair seatbelt lockdown harness for her, so she never has to transfer outa the wheelchair. I had to get staff help to get her back into the wheelchair when I took her back to the facility.
She is not doin' well. Very sad to see. Been in that nursing home two years now (April and I brought her out here in July 2007, and it's been slowly downhill ever since). Imagine my internal conflict. ___
Some of you know that I've been researching and writing extensively (and skeptically) about "health care reform" lately (4 posts total on the topic).
Paul Hipp, Andreas Oberg and I are all very good friends!
Andreas Oberg is the guy with the guitar @1:12 In 2007, he made it a point to track me down at NAMM. He immediately became my "adopted" son from Sweden, visits me here frequently in Las Vegas and we always hang at NAMM. I would do anything in my power that's necessary to help him and advance his career. At just 30 years old, he is one of the very best alive today, the very real deal!! When you have time to hear authentic Django, let me know I will turn you on to his stuff. If I recall, Mundo went to see Andreas in the UK a few years ago.
The attached picture was taken at the 2008 NAMM Expo. L To R: Andreas Oberg, Robert Conti, Paul Hipp, Robert Cerceo Esq.
- Conti
Yikes! 12-bar blues on steroids. Yeah, you can readily see why he and Conti are friends. ___
First, just stood at the bar and shot Tony Davich in the TV monitor, LOL.
I got home from Keenan's football game to find a phone message from Lenny Lopez. He's gigging this weekend at Brendan's Pub in the Orleans, with Enrique Corro and David Van Such. I may have to jump over there. ___
11:25 pm, A few shots from Brendan's Pub...
They'll be appearing again tomorrow night. Sounded great. ___